How to Roll the Perfect Blunt [8 Easy Steps]

Table of Contents

For cannabis consumers, it may feel as though there is a new method of consuming your cannabis each time you step foot into a dispensary. Don’t get me wrong, I embrace the progression and evolution of the cannabis world, but also believe that some things have imprinted their legacy on society to a degree that they will still be around long after you and I are gone. Given this, I felt that it is important to take an opportunity to, for a moment, put the techy cannabis gadgets, dab rigs, vaporizers, and other new-age smoking methods to the side in lieu of perfecting what I believe to be a rite of passage for almost all cannabis users — rolling a perfect blunt. Let’s switch gears and get straight to the comprehensive guide on how to roll the best blunt. Don’t worry…I’ll stick around after the walkthrough to cover some fun facts about blunts that I’ve picked up over the years. 


How to Roll a Blunt

I’ll admit it, I frequently find myself reaching for the ready to go cannabis consumption methods. Just as we often opt for grabbing a pizza or fast food for dinner instead of making the effort to prepare a home-cooked meal; the day-to-day rush of life often leaves cannabis consumers less than motivated to spend the time rolling the perfect blunt. In fact, it wasn’t until I recently had the opportunity to try Budmaster’s Super Lemon Haze blunt wraps that I realized how rushed — and underappreciated — my relationship with cannabis had become. However, forcing myself to slow my roll (no pun intended) and actually taking time out of my busy daily life to stop and smell the roses cannabis, has helped me develop a renewed appreciation for not only this delightful plant, but also the progress that has been made in the cannabis industry over the last few decades.  


The art of rolling the perfect blunt is one that is steeped in tradition, transcending mere consumption, as it embodies a craft that demands precision, patience, and a touch of flair. While the process may appear daunting to beginners, the journey to rolling the perfect blunt is filled with opportunities for creativity and personal expression. This guide is designed to demystify the steps involved, offering clear, concise instructions that pave the way for an impeccable smoking experience.


What You Need to Roll the Best Blunt

Although this may feel like a self-explanatory section, there is no worse feeling than sitting down to roll your blunt, only to discover that you’ve forgotten a key ingredient. For this reason, I wanted to at least provide a brief checklist, which may be especially useful for those who are new to rolling blunts. 

  1. CannabisOkay, I get it…you weren’t going to forget this one. However, I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone. Instead of using your go to cannabis variety or strain, why not visit your dispensary and ask for something that pairs well with your desired experience. For instance, if you’re trying out some of these Blue Dream blunt wraps, you may ask your dispensary for a variety [strain] that is pinene dominate to possibly potentiate the effects (I’m a fan of Jack Herer when I’m searching for a cultivar that produces high concentrations of pinene). Trust me, this sort of tailored pairing will only make the experience that much more fulfilling. 


  1. Cigar or Blunt Wrap – If you’re a dedicated cigar smoker or simply impatient, you may find yourself reaching for those convenience store cigars in the foil packaging covered in obscure art and that are always suspiciously on a buy one, get one free promo. But remember, this process is supposed to be about not only rolling the perfect blunt, but also not rushing through the process and instead, taking a moment to catch your breath and reflect on some positivity in your life! For those who want to take the tobacco and nicotine-free approach, while not committing to a single flavor, might I recommend this mixed flavor pack of herbal blunt wraps made of chamomile leaves? Try just one and I am positive that you’ll become an instant fan. In my opinion, this is widely preferred over the whole performing surgery on a tobacco packed cigar to remove the contents. Serious question: Has anyone ever successfully emptied a cigar without making a huge mess?


  1. A Grinder – You’ll often meet cannabis aficionados who swear by using only the top-of-the-line cannabis grinder or you’ll ruin the experience. As a self-proclaimed cannabis aficionado myself, I’m here to say that sentiment is a fine example of gatekeeping garbage. Sure, a $400 bespoke grinder may have some neat features and it is certainly a conversation starter, but in most cases, it is going to grind your cannabis close to the same consistency that a $10 grinder will — and I say this as someone who has tested out close to 60 different grinders with various [strains] of cannabis. Ultimately, as long as your grinder doesn’t turn your weed into dust, then you’re good to go. Lastly, regardless of what others may tell you, if you don’t have access to a grinder, it is perfectly acceptable to tear your cannabis into small pieces with your fingers or scissors until you can get your hands on a proper grinder. 


  1. Rolling Tray – Okay, not necessary, but it will make your life much easier by preventing messes and providing a solid flat surface for rolling. 


  1. Lighter or Hemp Wick – If you plan on rubbing two sticks together to create a fire, you can scratch this. For the rest of us who don’t feel like channeling our inner Prometheus, any lighter will do, or a hemp wick if you prefer avoiding butane. 


  1. Packing Tool – Again, not necessary, but something like a small, cylindrical pen will certainly prove useful in creating that consistent density and distribution in your blunt. 


  1. Filter – Sometimes referred to as a crutch, filters are an optional addition to blunts to improve the smoking experience. They can help keep unwanted particles of cannabis from entering your mouth.  


Step-by-Step Guide to Rolling the Best Blunt

Rolling the perfect blunt is a skill that improves with practice. If your first couple of attempts end up with a blunt that looks more like a wet noodle, take a moment to assess the steps where you could improve your process and try again. I genuinely wish I had a photo of the first few blunts that I ever rolled. As ugly as they were, I still smoked them with pride. Each step in rolling the perfect blunt offers an opportunity to infuse a bit of your personality, from the choice of cannabis and wrap to the finesse of your roll. Remember, the key to rolling a great blunt lies not just in its construction but in the quality of the moment it creates.

  1. Prepare Your Cannabis – Using your grinder, grind your cannabis to a medium consistency to ensure even burning. Avoid over-grinding to prevent it from becoming too powdery, which will impede airflow.


  1. Ready Your Wrap and Optional Filter – You’ll now lay your blunt wrap and filter (if you’re using one) on a flat surface. Position the filter against the edge of your blunt wrap. Be mindful of letting your blunt wrap get too much fresh air before you’re ready to roll your perfect blunt since this can result in it prematurely drying out and becoming too brittle to roll. 


  1. Fill the Wrap – Distribute your ground cannabis evenly along the length of the wrap. For a standard size blunt, about 1 to 2 grams of cannabis is usually sufficient. 


  1. Roll the Blunt – Start by tucking the wrap under itself around the cannabis. Begin from one end and work your way to the other, using your thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Roll it back and forth to shape the cannabis into a cylinder. You should be leveling and tamping down its contents in this motion, shaping it into a cylinder with consistent thickness. Once you’ve created the desired shape, fold one end of the wrap over and tuck it under the opposite side. Everything should now be covered up.


  1. Seal the Deal – Once your blunt is rolled, it’s time to seal it. Wet the inside edge of the wrap and carefully press it against the other side. You’re likely most familiar with seeing folks use their tongue for this step. You can run a lighter along the seam to help dry and seal it further — just don’t hold the flame on the blunt wrap so long that it begins to combust. You’re only trying to evaporate the moisture of the wrap with this action, locking the seam in place. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering, “how do you keep a blunt from unrolling?”…now you’ve got your answer! 


  1. Final Touches – Pack the ends of the blunt with some additional cannabis to fill any small gaps that remain. You may also want to lightly tamp the filter end on a flat surface to reduce any cavities that may need to be filled inside the blunt. This step ensures an even burn. Bonus tip: If you’re saving the blunt for later, you can prevent cannabis from falling out of the open end by twisting the tip to close it off, creating what I like to call a travel ready blunt


  1. Light Up – Hopefully, you can take it from here, but just in case — light the blunt with your lighter, taking care to rotate it for an even burn. Inhale gently on your perfectly rolled blunt and enjoy the fruits of your labor. If your blunt didn’t turn out how you expected, I still recommend taking a moment to at least try to smoke it while having a laugh at your attempt. Go ahead and snap a photo of it so you can see how far your skills progress as you continue practicing becoming the perfect blunt roller. 


Why are Blunts So Hard to Roll? – The Easy Button for Blunt Smokers

Perhaps you find yourself frustrated in your attempts to roll a blunt using wraps. Rolling perfect blunts isn’t for everyone. Fortunately, if you find yourself asking, “why are blunts so hard to roll?”, there’s a solution for that now! Blunt cones have revolutionized the experience of crafting the perfect blunt, offering a seamless, quick, and user-friendly alternative to the traditional method of rolling with blunt wraps. These pre-rolled cones are designed to eliminate the complexities and potential pitfalls of manual rolling, making the process accessible to both novices and seasoned enthusiasts alike. Crafted from the same materials as conventional blunt wraps, blunt cones maintain the authentic flavor and slow burn that connoisseurs and beginners alike cherish, without the hassle.


The genius of blunt cones lies in their simplicity: they come ready to fill, with a perfectly shaped hollow cavity and filter that only requires the user to pack it with their preferred cannabis strain. This straightforward approach not only saves time but also ensures a consistently shaped blunt, devoid of the uneven burns and structural issues that can plague their improperly or poorly hand-rolled counterparts. Moreover, the inclusion of a built-in filter tip enhances the smoking experience by providing a smoother draw and preventing any material from escaping through the mouthpiece. For those who want to enjoy the ritual of smoking a blunt without the intricacies or personal touch of rolling, blunt cones represent a foolproof solution that marries convenience with quality, embodying a modern twist on a classic tradition. 


Everyone will have their own preference as far as the blunt cones they prefer, but in my personal experience with countless blunt cones, Budmaster’s chamomile leaf based Gelato blunt cones have quickly become my go-to cone. That said, I wouldn’t recommend starting out by committing to a single flavor without first exploring your options by taking advantage of their mixed flavor pack of blunt cones. I personally love when brands offer variety packs like this as it gives me the ability to try out several flavors in a single, reasonable purchase.


The History of Blunts

I promised to deliver some other info on blunts after covering the steps to rolling the perfect blunt. Assuming you’re enjoying your blunt now, what better time to appreciate the history of the blunt? 


The history of blunts is as rich and nuanced as the cannabis culture that embraced them. Tracing the origins of the blunt requires a journey back to the tobacco traditions of the Caribbean and Central America, where the practice of wrapping tobacco in leaves was widespread. However, the modern blunt wrap, specifically repurposed for cannabis, has its roots in the large city landscapes of the United States, blossoming into popularity during the 1970s and 1980s. This period marked a significant cultural shift, as cannabis enthusiasts began seeking new methods to enjoy their herb, leading to the innovative adaptation of cigar wraps.


Initially, cannabis smokers were drawn to cigars due to their size, durability, and — according to some — the added kick from the tobacco leaf. The process involved carefully splitting a cigar down its length, removing the tobacco, and refilling it with cannabis. This method allowed for a larger, more communal smoking experience compared to the smaller, more personal joints rolled with cigarette papers. Over time, this practice evolved, and the term “blunt” emerged, taking its name from the Phillies Blunt brand cigar, which was once among the most popular choices for this method. It is also suggested that the scent of the cigar wrap could help mask the smell of cannabis, which was important during the days when cannabis prohibition was more widespread. 


The 1990s saw a pivotal shift with the introduction of commercially available blunt wraps. These were essentially the outer leaf of a cigar sold without the tobacco filling, specifically marketed towards cannabis users. This innovation was a game-changer, making the process more accessible and convenient, and significantly reducing the preparation time. It also opened the door for a plethora of flavors, catering to the diverse tastes of the cannabis community.


As legal landscapes began to shift towards the end of the 20th and into the 21st century, with more states decriminalizing and legalizing cannabis, the market for blunt wraps expanded dramatically. Manufacturers began to produce wraps made from a variety of materials, terpene infusions, and offering a nicotine-free alternative to those who preferred to avoid tobacco altogether. This diversification reflected the growing sophistication and health consciousness of cannabis consumers, as well as the broader societal acceptance of cannabis.


Today, blunts and blunt wraps remain an integral part of cannabis culture, symbolizing both a nod to tradition and a celebration of innovation. They embody the communal spirit of sharing and the personal touch of crafting one’s smoking experience. As cannabis continues to weave its way into the fabric of society, the evolution of blunt wraps stands as a testament to the creativity and resilience of the cannabis community, adapting traditions to meet the needs and desires of its members.


Blunts Vs. Joints – Which is Better?

Cannabis joints and blunts are two of the most iconic methods for smoking cannabis, each with its unique characteristics, cultural significance, and fan base. Understanding their differences not only involves the materials used for rolling but also delves into the nuances of flavor, burn rate, and social setting in which they are typically enjoyed.


Joints are perhaps the quintessential symbol of cannabis culture, known for their simplicity and elegance. They are traditionally rolled with thin, translucent papers made from materials like hemp, rice, or flax. This choice in material ensures that the focus remains on the flavor and aroma of the cannabis itself, providing a pure and unadulterated — albeit, sometimes harsh — experience. Joints are often chosen for their quick burn and discretion by cannabis consumers. The art of rolling a joint is a skill prized within the cannabis community, capturing the minimalist ethos that less is more mentality. 


In contrast, blunts offer a bold, robust, and more personal experience. They are rolled using a thicker material, which can impart a distinctive flavor if infused with terpenes to complement the effects of cannabis. The blunt wrap contributes to a slower burn, making them ideal for extended or multi-part sessions and social gatherings. Blunts are typically larger and can be more conspicuous than joints, making them less discreet but more of a statement piece in social scenarios. The ritual of rolling a blunt, from preparing your workspace to carefully distributing and rolling the cannabis, is a cherished process that underscores the communal and celebratory aspects of cannabis culture.


Another key difference between joints and blunts is their cultural connotations. Joints have been a staple of cannabis consumption since the early 20th century, symbolizing rebellion, freedom, and the counterculture movement. They have been immortalized in music, films, and literature, serving as a universal signifier of cannabis culture. Blunts, on the other hand, gained prominence in the cannabis community within the United States later in the 20th century, embodying a fusion of cannabis culture with the evolving complexities of cannabis as a societal staple. 


Choosing between a joint and a blunt often comes down to personal preference, occasion, and desired experience. While joints are celebrated for their purity and simplicity, blunts are lauded for their boldness and social allure. Both, however, stand as testaments to the creativity and diversity of cannabis users, offering a range of experiences that cater to the myriad tastes and preferences within the community. 


Personally, it has been years since I have smoked a joint. Don’t get me wrong, they get the job done in a pinch, but the modern cannabis community has, for the most part, progressed beyond quick, discreet consumption in the shadows. These days, I very much prefer to enjoy the slow and consistent burn of an expertly packed blunt over a joint, which — in my opinion — feels rushed, wasteful, and antiquated.  


Can I Roll Blunts Using a Rolling Machine? 

As I mentioned earlier, I’m all for the progression of and advances in cannabis consumption methods. One such advancement has been the development of what most folks know as rolling machines. These simple, but useful little devices help alleviate one of the primary pain points for those who like to roll blunts — the actual rolling process. 


Utilizing a rolling machine to create the perfect blunt represents a blend of modern convenience with traditional smoking rituals. This innovative approach caters to those who may find the manual dexterity required for hand-rolling a challenge or simply prefer a more uniform and efficient method. Rolling machines, while traditionally associated with the rolling of cigarettes, have been embraced by the cannabis community for their ability to produce consistently tight and evenly rolled blunts, enhancing the overall smoking experience.


How to Use a Rolling Machine For the Perfect Blunt

The process begins with choosing the right rolling machine for the task. These devices are typically constructed from durable materials such as metal or hard plastic, designed to withstand the rigors of regular use. They come in various sizes to accommodate different blunt lengths and diameters, allowing users to customize their experience based on personal preferences. The simplicity of the machine’s mechanism — typically, a combination of rollers and a base — belies the precision with which it operates, ensuring that each blunt is rolled to perfection. Since I mentioned the Budmaster blunt wraps earlier, I’ll confess that I sometimes use my blunt rolling machine — although, “personal use device” seems more fitting since mine isn’t one of the machines used for bulk production — when I’m pressed for time, want to impress my friends with a perfectly rolled blunt, or I’m simply just feeling lazy. I’ve tried the Budmaster blunt wraps with a couple of different sized rolling devices and have found that machines capable of accommodating XL/King sized blunt wraps — 110mm — produce a blunt that is so perfectly uniform that frankly, it looks AI generated. 


To roll a blunt using a rolling machine, most of the steps remain similar to manually rolling a blunt. One begins, as expected, by preparing their cannabis, grinding it to a uniform, medium consistency to ensure an even burn (remember…not too fine or dusty). The blunt wrap is then attached to or placed in the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions — mine simply requires the user to “feed” the blunt wrap into a set of “rollers” attached to the device. Unless your rolling machine is one of those fancy new devices, this usually involves opening the rollers, placing the wrap inside or around them, and then evenly distributing the ground cannabis along its length, just as you would if you were manually rolling a blunt. 


Once filled, you are then typically instructed to gently close the rollers and turn them using your fingers (some machines have geared thumb rollers), which wraps the cannabis snugly within the wrap. The final step involves sealing the blunt, which usually requires moistening the edge of the wrap to ensure it adheres properly. 


The advantages of using a rolling machine are vast, according to those who roll their blunts with them regularly. For starters, it democratizes the rolling process, making it accessible to those without the manual skill or patience to roll by hand. Additionally, it significantly reduces the time and effort involved, making it an excellent option for those who value efficiency. Moreover, the uniformity it offers in terms of size and density can contribute to a more predictable smoking experience, with evenly distributed draws and minimal waste.


Despite these benefits, it’s worth noting that rolling machines may not accommodate all blunt wrap sizes, so it is important to first find a blunt wrap that you’re fond of, then find a blunt rolling machine that works with the size of your preferred wrap. Furthermore, blunt rolling machines may make the process easier, but even they are not without a small learning curve and a bit of required finesse. These minor limitations aside, blunt rolling machines present an appealing solution for cannabis enthusiasts seeking a blend of tradition and convenience, by incorporating a modern twist on the age-old practice of enjoying a perfectly rolled blunt.


The Takeaway 

Let’s wrap up this guide to rolling the perfect blunt and its storied history. The journey from tobacco plantations to city streets, and eventually into the mainstream consciousness, encapsulates more than just the evolution of a cannabis consumption method; it reflects a broader narrative of innovation, adaptation, and community. Rolling a blunt is not merely about creating a vessel for cannabis consumption; it’s an act imbued with tradition, a nod to the craftsmanship and communal spirit that have long defined cannabis culture. As we perfect our rolling techniques and share our stories, we are actively contributing to a living story, one that is as dynamic and varied as the strains we enjoy. 


Whether you’re a seasoned roller or a curious newcomer, the pursuit of rolling the perfect blunt is a rewarding journey, full of history, flavor, and connection. Let’s cherish each roll, each puff, and each moment shared, as we continue to craft not just blunts, but memories and legacies, woven into the smoke that rises along the journey. 


This article is for informational purposes only and not to be used as medical advice. Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your diet, medications, or daily routine. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


Grady Moore is a marketing and development consultant for the cannabis and hemp industry. He holds a Master of Science in medical cannabis science and therapeutics from the University of Maryland. Grady is passionate about increasing medical cannabis literacy and education. When he isn’t working, you can likely find him playing with his golden retriever named Doobie, taking time-lapse photography, or practicing cello. To connect with or keep up with Grady, follow him on LinkedIn.

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