Embracing Glass Packaging in the Cannabis Industry for a Greener Tomorrow

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The cannabis industry has blossomed into a burgeoning powerhouse, revolutionizing not just economies but cultures worldwide. With this rapid expansion comes an increased social responsibility towards our planet — a call to action that demands immediate attention, especially when it comes to cannabis product packaging. As we continue navigating the green revolution, it’s impossible to overlook the environmental footprint it is leaving behind — particularly in the form of single-use plastics. For many brands, the convenience yet problematic nature of plastic packaging has become a staple in the sector, from protective coverings to product containers, reflecting a growing concern that requires innovative thinking and sustainable practices. That’s why I wanted to take some time to discuss one of the heavier topics in cannabis — sustainability

According to a report published by the United Nations, plastics can take up to 500 years to decompose and even then, plastic never truly disappears, but instead, is continually reduced in size, resulting in microplastics — the big bad buzzword that we’re all familiar with these days. However, some argue that glass is the solution to this growing waste problem. Let’s dive into the facts and determine if we should be embracing glass packaging in the cannabis industry for a greener tomorrow. 


Understanding Single-Use Plastics in the Cannabis Industry

In the cannabis industry, where innovation meets tradition, the term ‘single-use plastics’ often crops up, carrying with it a weight of environmental implications. But what exactly does it mean? At its core, single-use plastics refer to plastic products designed for a one-time use before they’re destined for the trash. These are the silent companions of convenience that have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, only to emerge as formidable foes of sustainability.


Within the cannabis sector, this manifests in various forms. Think of the clear plastic bags that hold your edibles, the thick plastic tubes for paper cones and pre-rolls (often referred to as Doob Tubes), the shrink-wrap safeguarding the integrity of your products, or the containers and bottles that cradle the oils and buds, promising freshness but simultaneously pledging allegiance to the plastic realm. Even the seemingly innocuous vape pen cartridges fall under this category. 


Their convenience is undeniable, offering durability, tamper evidence, and a certain level of compliance with regulatory standards. Yet, their environmental toll is a price too steep to maintain, silently accumulating in landfills and oceans. In fact, the Sustainable Cannabis Coalition reported that the U.S. cannabis industry used almost one billion pieces of single-use plastic in 2020. Even cannabis consumers are beginning to plead with brands to provide more eco-friendly and sustainable packaging options. This sentiment resonates throughout this wildly popular Reddit post on the topic. 


The prevalence of single-use plastic for cannabis packaging is a testament to its convenience for manufacturers and consumers alike. They’re lightweight, cost-effective, and versatile — often making them the go-to choice for brands looking to protect their goods while maintaining compliance with strict packaging regulations. For consumers, the appeal lies in the ease of use and the perceived hygiene and safety of these plastic encasements. However, beneath this veneer of convenience lies a more troubling reality — one where our short-term solutions become long-term problems for the planet and future generations.


As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation in the cannabis industry, the conversation around packaging solutions is evolving. The journey towards sustainability is challenging, requiring a delicate balance between meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring product integrity, and minimizing environmental impact. It’s a path that demands creativity, commitment, and a collective effort to embrace alternatives that honor our green heritage in every sense of the word. If you think this sounds like a near impossible problem to solve, then you may be in for a surprise to learn how some brands like Budmaster are already making huge strides to reduce plastic waste in the cannabis industry. 


The Clear Choice: Why Glass Reigns Supreme in Cannabis Packaging

“Glass? An invention from 4,000 years ago is the solution to sustainability in the cannabis industry?” — I get it, I was skeptical before I researched the topic as well. Frankly, I quickly attributed the idea of using glass packaging as some clever way for brands to differentiate themselves as the cool brand. But was I ever wrong in my initial assumption! 


As the drumbeat for sustainability grows louder by the day, glass is emerging as a beacon of hope in the cannabis industry’s quest for eco-friendly packaging solutions. Far from just an eye-catching nod to tradition, glass packaging stands tall on the pillars of non-toxicity, impermeability, and, perhaps most impressively, its infinite recyclability without a dip in quality. This isn’t merely about choosing the lesser of two evils; it’s about embracing a solution that genuinely harmonizes with the ethos of environmental stewardship — a mentality that every cannabis consumer should appreciate. Afterall, we are consuming plants. 


Glass, by its very nature, is free from the chemicals that often accompany plastics, ensuring that no harmful substances leach into the cannabis products it holds. This non-toxic sanctuary not only preserves the purity of the product but also the health of the planet and its inhabitants. Furthermore, glass’s impermeability is a boon for maintaining the terpene profiles and potency of cannabis, offering an airtight seal that laughs in the face of oxidation and moisture. It’s this unparalleled ability to protect and preserve that makes glass the guardian of cannabis integrity, keeping your favorite strains as fresh and potent as the day they were packaged.


“But, Grady…what about ancillary products like blunt cones and paper pre-rolled cones? Those don’t matter as much, right?” — a question that I am often asked during cannabis industry events and speaking engagements. While this is a completely valid question, the answer is a resounding, “Yes. Ancillary cannabis products are just as guilty of producing as much — if not more — single-use plastic waste as direct cannabis storage packaging”. 


Think about it like this: if you purchase 14 grams of cannabis flower, it will likely be contained in a plastic jar or resealable plastic bag. Now, let’s say that you pack a standard, 1.5 gram blunt each time you consume from this 14 gram container. That’s roughly 10 cones and with most blunt cones being packaged in one to two cones per container, we’re looking at a plastic waste generation of 5-10 plastic packaging or doob-tubes ending up in the landfill — plus the original cannabis container


Sure, there are outliers to this example, but in general, it can be applied to the bulk of the legal cannabis market. That’s why it is so refreshing to see a new trend emerging within the cannabis industry — the use of glass packaging. Brands like Budmaster have been pioneering this effort by using crystal clear glass vials for their paper and blunt cones. I’ve recently snagged a couple boxes of their blunt cones and I genuinely have a hard time throwing the nifty little glass vials away. Not because I have some crafty idea of making those colored sand decorations with them — arts and crafts are not a hobby for someone who suffers from personal project scope creep. I would probably end up deciding that I need to spend days color coordinating 50 of them before eventually putting the project to the side once I’m 90% finished. Instead, I’ve found that they are excellent for preloading blunts for consumption at a later time, amongst other perks. 


One such perk being the distinct sense of upscale elegance and luxury that glass presents over its plastic counterpart. From the moment your eye catches the glisten of that crystal clear container to the point that you feel its weight and density in your hand, there’s just something special about the vibe that glass packaging brings to the table. No matter the level of eye-catching labels or clever designs on plastic packaging, they will always fall short of the unparalleled sophistication of even the most simply designed glass container. In my opinion, glass packaging will always enhance the overall presentation and desirability of cannabis products. 


Can’t You Do That with Plastic Too?” — Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

Technically, yes, you can — do you want to though? Probably not and here’s a few reasons why. 


Free of Chemicals – Unlike plastics, glass provides a chemical-free solution for cannabis and cannabis product storage. This means that a glass container isn’t going to result in potential leaching of chemicals, residue, or odors into your cannabis or cones. On the other hand, plastics have been known to contain some gnarly chemicals like BPAs that, in the right conditions, can begin leaching into products coming into contact with them. 


Preservation – This is a big one for me. Too many times, I’ve used those silly plastic doob tubes to store some cannabis or even a pre-roll for a day or two, only to find it has degraded to a dry, tasteless, and harsh experience when the time comes to smoke it. That’s because most plastics used for things like cannabis and cannabis products are technically porous, which means that even if it doesn’t appear to be allowing oxygen exchange — it is happening. If you don’t believe it, grab your loudest flower, drop some into a standard plastic container, and leave it in an empty room for a few minutes. When you come back, you’ll most likely feel like you’re walking into your favorite dispensary because of the aroma. On top of oxygen drying out your cannabis or even unused cones, it also causes another undesirable effect of degrading the terpene and flavonoid compositions. In short, terpenes or terps and flavonoids are the compounds in plants — cannabis included — that provide scent, taste, and can even influence the experience. If terpenes are a new concept for you, I recommend checking out this comprehensive guide to terpenes and the entourage effect that I put together. On the other hand, glass is not a porous material, so as long as your containers are sealed airtight like those used with Budmaster’s cones, your cannabis products will remain fresh for significantly longer. Pro Tip: Plastic or glass aside, storing your cannabis and cannabis products out of direct sunlight and avoiding intense temperature and/or humidity exposure will also significantly help retain the freshness. 


Potency – Bet I’ve got your attention now! This one applies primarily to cannabis flower. Those sticky little crystals that give your cannabis flower a powdery appearance — those are trichomes, which are small outgrowths from the epidermis [skin] of the plant. These little hairs are responsible for creating resin which typically contain high concentrations of cannabinoids like THC. Just like the hair on your head, trichomes react to static electricity in a similar fashion. Now, with that in mind, consider the static buildup in plastic baggies or containers. This means that there’s a good chance you’re exposing your cannabis flower to static electric discharge when you drop it into a plastic container, causing the trichomes to attach to the plastic. Naturally, there are a lot of variables at play here, but personally, I don’t want to take any chances in reducing the potency of my cannabis to static electricity!


The Takeaway: The Path to Sustainability is Crystal Clear 

Let’s face it, since those early 90’s commercials that drilled “plastics make it possible” into our heads, there’s been no doubt that plastic has a solid use case in society. That said, it appears that humans have become a bit overzealous in our consumption of single-use plastics. With the global cannabis industry market size projected to reach over $444 billion (USD) by 2030, we are standing at the precipice of either mitigating or creating a compounding problem of plastic waste production. 


The case for glass as a superior alternative to plastic in cannabis packaging is compelling, rooted in its numerous benefits for both consumers and Mother Nature. Conservationists have long sounded the alarm about the amount of plastic waste created by the cannabis industry, and in my opinion, this isn’t just a choice, it’s a statement of purpose, a commitment to the health and sustainability of our planet and the well-being of future generations. 


Fortunately, the cannabis industry tends to be led by more progressive thinkers — unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the regulatory side of the industry. Brands like Budmaster are leading sustainability initiatives not because it is the latest hip trend, but because it is the responsible thing to do — which, again, in my opinion, is the hip thing to do! Pivotal steps like reducing single-use plastic waste, challenges us to rethink our habits, to innovate, and to embrace solutions that resonate with that easy-going, spread the love persona that every cannabis consumer has tucked away. 


In closing, I challenge you to the following: Within the next week, step out of your comfort zone and do something for the planet that is as green as the bud in your blunt. You won’t regret it. 



This article is for informational purposes only and not to be used as medical advice. Please speak with a medical professional before making any changes to your diet, medications, or daily routine. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


Grady Moore is a marketing and development consultant for the cannabis and hemp industry. He holds a Master of Science in medical cannabis science and therapeutics from the University of Maryland. Grady is passionate about increasing medical cannabis literacy and education. When he isn’t working, you can likely find him playing with his golden retriever named Doobie, taking time-lapse photography, or practicing cello. To connect with or keep up with Grady, follow him on LinkedIn.

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